#2 Time Portals, Switches & Object Duplication

In these last two weeks we implemented our main mechanic: Time travel portals.

This is how they work: As soon as an object enters the black hole's gravity field, this object already went out from a white hole. So, virtually it is travelling into the future and we have two copies of the same object for a certain amount of time.

Using the gravity fields we showed in the last devlog, we could track when an object enters it, so we spawn a new instance of this object in the white hole connected to the blackhole, then the original copy disappears when it reaches the core.

Next, we needed a way to let the players turn on and off these blackholes, we implemented an interactuable switch associated with the hole, so when the player is nearby this switch, they can interact with it pressing the Spacebar

With these two features, it naturally emerged one of the main puzzle-solving mechanic of our game: object duplication.

The final result can be seen in this gif:

Here, the skinny godot is our player, the big default godot is an object and the mini godot is the switch.

As always, we included a demo so you can test around the situations you can make with these features, and maybe leave a comment if you desire.


WASD (move around)

SPACEBAR (interact)

ESC (pause the game)

Next week, we will start designing levels for the game, so we can test the limits of this mechanic and maybe changing it to allow more possibilities .

So stay tuned for our next update, see you around :D


Black Hole and White Hole assets credits:


Twitter - https://twitter.com/norma_2d

DeviantArt - https://www.deviantart.com/norma2d

To support this artist, follow this link:

Ko-fi - https://ko-fi.com/norma2d



Build_2_TimePortals_Levers_Duplication.exe 38 MB
Sep 25, 2022

Get what lies beyond the EVENT HORIZON?

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